How To Order Your Supplements

Functional Medicine specialist Dr. Marie Andersson uses a few select supplement companies, based on years of successful clinical experience, and ongoing research. Not each company can have the very best of everything; this is why your recommendations may utilize several different companies. When this happens it can become a bit cumbersome. Please keep in mind, the protocol Dr. Marie Andersson puts together for you is tailored specifically to your needs.
There is a tremendous difference between supplement companies, some are not just poor quality but are actually dangerous. The companies that Dr. Marie Andersson uses will only sell to healthcare providers, or to patients who have been approved through their healthcare provider to place their own orders. We are aware that there are rogue companies who are selling these supplements. Please be aware that often times these supplements are expired and may not have the quality you deserve and need. And you cannot return them to us.
Standard Process and Mediherb Supplements
Standard Process and Mediherb can be ordered at The first time you order, you will need to register and agree to the terms. You’ll also need the patient direct code: 96UP7T.
Biotics Research
You can order on their website or call them. You can call them at (800) 874-7318. They will ask you a few questions, including who your health care provider is.
You can call them or use their website to order. But for your first order you have to call and establish an account at (800) 647-6100. They will ask you a few questions, including the doctor code, which is DrMarie.
Established patients of Dr. Marie Andersson can order supplements through Fullscript, an online dispensary.
Call or email us if you have any questions!